In our third and final installment of Shared, Used & Taken presented by The Indianapolis Foundation, a CICF affiliate a speaker series in partnership with Indiana Humanities we will hear from the dynamic duo of Dr. Terri Jett and Indy Urban Acres Farmer, Tyler Gough. As these two professionals will show, we have a long way to go in the food justice movement as they discuss food access gap and ways to bridge equitable access to healthy foods for all communities.  

Shared, Used & Taken

This event is free, but tickets are limited. Available soon!

Get Your Ticket

DATE: October, 11 2022


  • 5:30pm | Check-in begins
  • 6:00-7:30pm | Program

LOCATION: Indy Urban Acres an Initiative of The Parks Alliance of Indianapolis, 7700 East 21st Street, Indianapolis, IN 46219