Indy Urban Acres is an initiative of The Parks Alliance of Indianapolis. When you support The Parks Alliance, you are directly supporting the operations and work of this multi-disciplinary farm system, working to disrupt Indy’s food system.


In 2011, this left-behind land, used as staging for I-70 made an inspiring transformation. From unused parkland to a symbol of hope, The Parks Alliance collaborated with the City of Indianapolis, and the Department of Indy Parks and Rec to establish, Indy Urban Acres, an urban garden meant to harvest and distribute food throughout our community.

Since then, Indy Urban Acres has grown from a single site harvesting 15,000 pounds of produce to four sites harvesting 60,000+ pounds of produce. All IUA produce is donated and distributed to community partners that serve households and individuals who experience food insecurity throughout the year. IUA has year-round professional farm staff who use regenerative farming practices to grow healthy food while improving the soil and local urban ecosystem. The Parks Alliance of Indianapolis provides administrative, financial, and fundraising support for IUA, enabling farm staff to focus on food education, empowerment, and access.

Previously known as the Veggie Box Outreach Program, the Farm Share Program was introduced to create an empowering, equitable food support model that allows Indy Urban Acres to partner with Indy Parks and Rec Family Centers, businesses, and organizations to continue the collective work towards eliminating hunger in Indianapolis.

In 2023, we partnered with key organizations to distribute 12,000 + pounds of organic, local produce to nearly 250 families for 10 weeks. In 2024, partners can expect a new program model that provides a 3-pronged approach to delivering – and breaking down barriers – for partners and residents to gain access to fresh, local produce.



We are committed to stewarding equitable access to an abundance of locally grown, free produce for people experiencing food insecurity. We place a priority on empowering people experiencing food insecurity by providing access to free produce. We will continue to drive equitable partnerships and funding to cultivate a vibrant farm system that benefits all. We cannot do this work without you. 

Our team spends a lot of creative energy building events and programs so that you can get involved and support Indy Urban Acres. We hope you’ll join us by participating in any of the below opportunities.


Indy Urban Acres exists due to grants and individual contributors like you! A donation of $350 feeds one family through the Farm Share Program, please consider making a contribution today. Click here to donate.


Throughout the year The Parks Alliance team hosts several key fundraising events at and for Indy Urban Acres. Follow our events calendar here to learn more – or save the dates below:

Saturday, September 21, 2024 | Farmraiser Season Eleven presented by Citizens Energy Group


We welcome corporate sponsor groups to volunteer at Indy Urban Acres between May-September.

Corporate Group Request Form HERE.

Indy Parks and Recreation

Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District

Old Bethel Food Pantry

Faith United Methodist Church

The Kroger Company

Pacers Sports & Entertainment

Eskenazi Health